The Regatta of the Ancient Maritime Republics (also known as the Palio delle Antiche Repubbliche Marinare) is a sports event centered around a historical re-enactment first established in 1955 to commemorate the endeavours and rivalries of the most famous Italian maritime republics (Genoa, Pisa, Venice and Amalfi), in which the four vie against each other with four rowing crews.
The boat race is preceded by a spectacular Medieval Pageant of the Ancient Italian Maritime Republics, which, in turn, is composed of the Medieval Pageants of each Republic, making for a total of 320 participants; the pace of the parade is beat out by the sound of drums and clarions, amid waving banners and flags, all in a joyful triumph of colours and flowers, as well as lavish costumes and accessories reflecting the styles of the period.
Each group has the task of memorising and performing episodes and characters linked to the maritime history of their city and the role it played in the Mediterranean.