Limes Festival | Hotel Bristol Palace - 5 stars Hotel


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Limes Festival

Fri, 10/16/2020 - 09:30 to Sun, 10/18/2020 - 20:00
West against. Reality and fictions of a geopolitical idea in a turned Europe
The challenge between the United States and China is destabilizing the Euro-Atlantic space. The certainties of the cold war, which held the NATO area together, have evaporated or called into question. Today, many tensions of the clash between China and the US are unloaded on European countries. The identity crisis affecting the United States contributes to the disorder in relations between the two sides of the Atlantic. The fragmentation of the European space, which seen by the US is increasingly marked by the partition between "Old" and "New" Europe, makes it more difficult to recompose the divisions in progress. In this context, the position of Italy is also more uncertain, as demonstrated by the opening to the new silk routes promoted by China and the consequent American reaction.

The Limes cartographic exhibition, through 12 large format maps and a mural map, will try to highlight the fault lines in the Euro-Atlantic space, their depth and the positioning of the various States (and parts of them) to better understand the direction of this geopolitical derailment.

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