Anni Venti in Italia. L’età dell’incertezza | Hotel Bristol Palace - 5 stars Hotel


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Anni Venti in Italia. L’età dell’incertezza

Sat, 10/05/2019 - 09:30 to Sun, 03/01/2020 - 18:00

The exhibition "Anni Venti in Italia. L’età dell’incertezza" arrives at the Dodge's Appartment: the anxiety and the great changes of the '20s are represented at Dodge's Palace.

A journey through plastic art and paintings to interpret and better understand the period in question.  The '20s has been a crucial moment: from the collapse of certainties and optimism which had filled the first decade of the new century, to the world crisis of the next decade, announced by the Wall Street crash in October 1929, followed by the establishment throughout the world of the dictatorial regimes and then the new War.

Even though historiography highlighted the 'roaring' character of the '20s, these years are also a time marked by a general feeling of anxiety, which has been expressed a lot in the arts.
More than 100 artworks like paintings, sculptures and drawings by the famous protagonists of the italian art in that period, such as Carrà, Casorati, de Chirico, Arturo Martini, Severini, Sironi, Depero, Prampolini, Wildt.

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